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Dry Docking (Theory & Numericals)

Theory 1. During dry docking the ship shall be in as light a condition as possible. 2. It shall be trimmed by the stern. 3. Minimum trim required for safe and convenient docking is prescribed by the dock authorities. 4. Chief Officer shall ensure that


FREE RADIO-MEDICAL ASSISTANCE  C.I.R.M. is the oldest existing organisation providing radio-medical assistance in the world, having been founded in 1935 by Professor Guida, who first understood the importance of health-care for seamen and of giving them the possibility and comfort of access to the professional

Bilging (Theory & Numericals)

What is Bilging Bilging is said to occur when ingress of water takes place into the vessel from a point below the waterline, such that the water is free to flow in and out of the vessel. If the water enters the vessel from above

Ship handling- Pivot Point

Stopped In this situation no forces are involved and the ship has its centre of gravity approximately amidships when the ship is stopped. Making Headway Two forces now come into play, firstly the forward momentum of the ship and secondly, longitudinal resistance to forward momentum,

Constant Radius Turn

In order to negotiate a plan turn, a constant radius turn concept can be used. Theory and procedures of using constant radius turn are explained below. Suppose the vessel has to take a turn in the path marked in above figure (from A to B).

Declaration Of Security

DECLARATION OF SECURITY • Contracting Governments shall determine when a Declaration of Security is required by assessing the risk the ship/port interface or ship to ship activity poses to persons, property or the environment. • A ship can request completion of a Declaration of Security

Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR)

Continuous Synopsis Record • SOLAS Chapter XI‐2 Regulation 5 • A ship to carry CSR which is intended to provide an onboard record of history of the ship issued by flag state. • Form 1: All CSR documents issued by ships administration. • Form 2:

Collision “Actions to be taken”

Immediate actions: Follow emergency procedure as per company emergency procedure manual, which should include: • Sound general emergency alarm. • Stop Engines. • Announce by PA. • Head count, look for casualty and establish communication. • Close watertight doors. Activate SOPEP and take preventive actions

Civil Liability For Bunker Pollution Damages

Adoption: 23 March 2001; Entry into force: 21 November 2008 ​The Convention was adopted to ensure that adequate, prompt, and effective compensation is available to persons who suffer damage caused by spills of oil, when carried as fuel in ships’ bunkers. The Convention applies to