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HNS Convention

Scope of application: 1) Damage in the territory, including the territorial sea, of a State Party;  2) Damage by contamination of the environment caused in the exclusive economic zone of a State Party,  3) To damage, other than damage by contamination of the environment, caused

Clearing a foul hawse

Preparation: • Gears necessary should be made ready at slack water. • Gears will include 20‐25mm slack wires, a smaller wire about 10mm or fiber rope, a boatswain’s chair, equipments for breaking joining shackles. • Operation to be started as soon as ship swung to

Charter Parties

Charter Party (C/P) :  A C/P is defined as a contract between a ship-owner and charterers for the use of a ship or her cargo spaces, These are of three types : a) Voyage Charter party,   b) Time Charter party, and   c) Demise Charter party

CAP & CAS Survey

CAP Survey Required by :   Oil major requirement Purpose : Obtain info to rate steel condition and coating cond Identify defects and areas of substantial corrosion. Evaluate condition of anodes Applicable :  All type of tankers more than 15yrs of age and above 20000

Difference Between Towage & Salvage

What is Towage??  Towage is the act of having one ship or boat pull (tow) another. The puller is referred to as the tug, while the vessel pulled is referred to as the tow. Ships specialized for towing are called tugboats. Ships without motive power, which can only

Damage Stability

Reg. 25 Ch II – 1 of SOLAS deals with subdivision & damage stability of Cargo Ships. Reg.25-8: Master shall be supplied with such reliable information so as to have raid & simple means to obtain accurate guidance as to stability under varying conditions of

Civil Liability Convention For Oil Pollution Damages

Adoption: 29 November 1969; Entry into force: 19 June 1975; Being replaced by 1992 Protocol: Adoption: 27 November 1992; Entry into force: 30 May 1996 The Civil Liability Convention was adopted to ensure that adequate compensation is available to persons who suffer oil pollution damage


General Principles (a) Freight No discussion on the subject of demurrage would be complete without a few words on the subject of freight. Freight is the return to the shipowner for undertaking the voyage requested by the voyage charterer. Freight can be contrasted with hire, which


All navigable waters are not yet covered by ENC data and vessel may be required to use ECDIS in Raster Chart Display System (RCDS) mode using ARCS / approved raster charts. If suitable ENC charts are not available from any source, then the use of