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Category Archives: Merchant Shipping

Container Vessel Trade

Cargoes whether carried in containers are all still the responsibility of the ship and hence it also needs documentation and legal formalities to follow. Though containerisation brought with its own terminology and law the general aspects covering carriage continue as seen from description of terms

Law of Collisions

If the master has forgotten his Rules Of The Road he certainly doesn’t tell the third mate Earliest collision rules, established by custom in accordance with dictates of good seamanship, were enforced by Admiralty Courts in the UK and formed part of their maritime law.

Shipboard Accident Response

Protection and Indemnity (P&I) Clubs insure shipowners and managers for their liabilities to third parties arising out of the operation of ships. The P&I Club does not insure the hull or machinery of a ship, only liabilities. The main elements of P&I cover addressed in

Investigation and Enquiries – Accidents

Whenever a shipping accident happens and comes under the purview of the M S Act as a shipping casualty, the Master, the Pilot or the person in-charge of the ship at the time of the casualty is required to give notice of this casualty to

Off Hire

Time charterparties invariably contain an off-hire clause providing for exceptions from the obligation for charterers to pay hire from the time of delivery until redelivery. The specific terms of the off-hire clause will determine whether or not any particular event entitles the charterers to place

Safe ports and berths

Generally a port can be rendered unsafe due to: Sandbanks and shallows Obstructions such as wrecks An inadequate system at the port (such as weather warnings, mooring facilities and tug availability) to enable a ship to leave the port when weather conditions make it unsafe

Notice Of Readiness

A Notice of Readiness (“NOR”) is a notification by the vessel that she is ready to start the charter service (upon delivery) or is ready to load or discharge cargo. Giving an NOR has two purposes: (i) to inform the charterers that the vessel is

Charter Party

What is a liner trade and how is it different from a tramp trade Liner trade is a trade where a ship is operated on one or more fixed routes with advertised and scheduled sailing. True passenger liners operating on ocean services were mostly displaced

Trade and Finance

To examine Bills of Lading under International Conventions, first we should know mechanics of imports & exports, and how they affect Masters. B/L is usually an essential document required under the terms of a letter of credit. Both are negotiable instruments, and can be bought


York Antwerp Rules

York Antwerp Rules Definition The York Antwerp Rules are a set of model internal maritime rules concerning the rights and obligations of vessel and cargo owners when cargo aboard a vessel must be jettisoned (thrown overboard). The rules were created by an international committee in