CAP Survey

Required by :
- Oil major requirement
Purpose :
- Obtain info to rate steel condition and coating cond
- Identify defects and areas of substantial corrosion.
- Evaluate condition of anodes
Applicable :
- All type of tankers more than 15yrs of age and above 20000 DWT
Validity :
- As per oil major requirement, normally 2-3 years
Schedule :
- Inspection carried out along with class renewal or intermediate survey
Covers :
- CAP Hull and CAP machinery and cargo system
Items rated :
- Main structural elements in cargo tanks area and external structure
- Coating condition of main structural elements in ballast tank
- Vessel overall strength rated
Extent of visual examination :
- Complete close up of all ballast tank
- Minimum completed close up of at least 1/3 of cargo tanks
Validity of thick measurement :
- 12 months
Inspection Completion time :
- 6 months
CAS Survey

Required by :
- Flag state
Purpose :
- Obtain info to rate coating condition.
- Identify defects and areas of substantial corrosion.
- Evaluate condition of anodes
Applicable :
- Oil tankers above 20,000 DWT as per cat 1,2,3 more than 15yrs old.
CAS is not applicable to Category I tankers.
- ‘‘Category I oil tanker’’ means in oil tanker of 20,000 dwt and above carrying crude oil, fuel oil, heavy diesel oil or lubricating oil as cargo, and of 30,000 dwt and above carrying oil other than the above, which do not comply with the requirements for new tankers defined in MARPOL Reg.1(26).
- “Category 2 oil tanker” means an oil tanker of 20,000 tons deadweight and above carrying crude oil, fuel oil, heavy diesel oil or lubricating oil as cargo, and of 30,000 tons dwt and above carrying oil other than the above, which do comply with the requirements for new tankers defined in Rcg. 1(26).
- ‘Category 3 oil tanker” means an oil tanker of 5000 tons deadweight and above hut less than that specified in subparagraph I and 2 above.
Validity :
- 5 ½ years
Schedule :
- Inspection carried out along with class renewal or intermediate survey
Covers :
- Hull Structure
Items rated :
- Coating condition rated for main structural element in tank.
Extent of visual examination :
- Complete close up of all ballast tank
- Minimum complete close up of one cargo tanks
- 30% remaining of cargo tanks
Validity of thick meas :
- 18 months
Inspection Completion time :
- 18 months