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Category Archives: Navigation

COLREG In Easy Language (Rule 2,5,7 & 8)

Collisions are among the most high profile of all maritime accidents. The number of collisions and their cost (personal and financial) has increased in recent years and “human error” seems to be the only common factor. Collisions should not happen but they do; sometimes with

Emergency wreck marking buoy

Emergency wreck marking buoy • IALA has introduced on trial basis. • For temporary response. • Typically to be used for first 24‐72 hrs. • Deployment to be promulgated through usual maritime safety information system. • Designed to provide a prominent aid to navigation. •


General ECDIS allows for monitoring of a ship’s position in real-time throughout the voyage and integrates information from GPS, Gyro, Radar, ARPA, AIS and other navigational equipments into a single display. It has several advantages over paper charts as listed below; Continuous route monitoring Continuous

ECDIS Contour Setting depth

Safety Contour = Dynamic draft + Minimum Net UKC requirement – Height of tide Shallow Contour = One Contour less than Safety Contour 1. Why Height of Tide is being subtracted from the Safety Contour depth?   Why it is not added, as we do for

Girting of Tug

Girthing It is the capsizing moment of the tug due to the sudden movement of ships. The line is usually secured very near to the center of flotation and for this reason the tug is liable to be girded. This phenomenon is known variously as

Manoeuvring Booklet

Contents 1 General description Ship’s particulars Characteristics of Main Engine(s) 2 Manoeuvring characteristics in deep water Course change performance Turning circles in deep water Accelerating turn Yaw checking tests Man-overboard and parallel course manoeuvring Lateral thruster capabilities 3 Stopping and speed control characteristics in deep water

Master Night Orders

Night Orders 1. Required to be written by master before he is going to take a rest at night. 2. A set of instructions to OOW in written format. 3. Depends on the events expected at the night. 4. Generally includes following points: • To

Steering Gear Testing

How is a steering gear tested After prolonged use of autopilot and before entering coastal waters the steering gear must be tested at all the manual steering positions on the bridge. In coastal waters more than one steering gear power unit, when such units are

Abort Point & Point Of No Return

Abort point is the final point at which a ship can take action to avoid passing the point of no return. It is the point after which there is insufficient sea room to safely turn the vessel and return back. Point of no return is the position