Night Orders
1. Required to be written by master before he is going to take a rest at night.
2. A set of instructions to OOW in written format.
3. Depends on the events expected at the night.
4. Generally includes following points:
• To comply with standing orders.
• Follow the laid courses.
• Check and plot positions at required intervals.
• Keep proper look out and comply with ROR.
• Calling master at required position, if applicable.
• Anti piracy watch if required.
• Preparations before proceeding to pilot stations.
• Inform ETA.
• Slow down one hour (or as required for engine) before end of passage position.
• Call master at the marked position.
• Rigging pilot ladders in time.
• Stand by crews in time.
• Check the vessel’s position frequently if at anchor.
• Calling master if in any doubt.