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Category Archives: Shipboard operation

Winter Area – What Are Your Concerns?

Before proceeding to ice zone, MASTER will check the following items: 1. Article of agreement and the geographical limit, expiry of article of agreement. 2. Class certificate, if ship has ice notation. 3. Check the charter party contract 4. Insurance coverage – premium may be

Declaration Of Security

DECLARATION OF SECURITY • Contracting Governments shall determine when a Declaration of Security is required by assessing the risk the ship/port interface or ship to ship activity poses to persons, property or the environment. • A ship can request completion of a Declaration of Security

Collision “Actions to be taken”

Immediate actions: Follow emergency procedure as per company emergency procedure manual, which should include: • Sound general emergency alarm. • Stop Engines. • Announce by PA. • Head count, look for casualty and establish communication. • Close watertight doors. Activate SOPEP and take preventive actions

Clearing a foul hawse

Preparation: • Gears necessary should be made ready at slack water. • Gears will include 20‐25mm slack wires, a smaller wire about 10mm or fiber rope, a boatswain’s chair, equipments for breaking joining shackles. • Operation to be started as soon as ship swung to

Take Over Command Of Vessel

Duties Of Master Prior Taking Over Command Of Vessel 1. Go to company office and meet technical superintendents, discuss about: • Ship particulars • Trading areas • Company’s and charterer’s instructions • Voyage instruction, type of charter • Special instruction for maintenance and survey 2.

Dry Docking

Preparations Before entry: • Check the stability of the vessel, especially during critical period. • Check the vessel at required draft. • No list. • Prepare mooring lines. • Unused mooring lines stowed. • Standby for dock master and dock mooring gang. • Proper flags