a) The Code applies to cargo ships, timber carriers, grain carriers, container ships, cargo ships carrying containers on deck, passenger ships, fishing vessels, special purpose ships, offshore supply vessels, mobile offshore drilling units, pontoons and dynamically supported craft.

b) Special purpose ship means a mechanically self-propelled ship carrying > 12 special personnel, engaged in research, survey, expeditions, training of marine personnel, processing of whale, fish and other living resources of sea, and others, as decided by the Flag State.

c) Various regulations of the SOLAS and Load Line conventions concerning watertight integrity of a ship should be complied with.

d) Ships complying with Annex I of MARPOL (except OBO ships with type B freeboards), IBC code, IGC code and damage stability requirements of Reg. 27 of Load Line convention, may nor comply with this code. (Amendment of Chapter II-1 by MSC.216(82)) 


Ensure safe operation of ships and minimise risk to ships, personnel on board and environment.


· Area under the GZ curve ≥ 0.055 mR upto angle of heel q = 30°. 

· Area under the GZ curve ≥ 0.09 mR upto q = X°.

· X° = 40° or the angle of downflooding, whichever is less.

· Angle of flooding is the angle at which openings in the ship, which cannot be closed weathertight, immerse under water.

· Area under the GZ curve ≥ 0.03 mR between angle of heel of 30° and X°. 

· GZ ≥ 0.2m. for q ≥ 30°.

· Maximum GZ should occur at q ≥ 25°, preferably > 30°.

· Initial GM(F) ≥ 0.15m. 

· GZ curves should be corrected for FSE, which is considered only for tanks which are filled to <98% of the full condition. 


The below criteria should be maintained during all loading and ballasting operations.

a) Area under the GZ curve ≥ 0.055 mR upto angle of heel q = 30°. 

b) Area under the GZ curve ≥ 0.09 mR upto q = X°.

c) X° = 40° or the angle of downflooding, whichever is less.

d) Angle of flooding is the angle at which openings in the ship, which cannot be closed weathertight, immerse under water.

e) Area under the GZ curve ≥ 0.03 mR between angle of heel of 30° and X°. 

f) GZ ≥ 0.2m. for q ≥ 30°.

g) Maximum GZ should occur at q ≥ 25°, preferably > 30°.

h) Initial GM(F) ≥ 0.15m. 

i) GZ curves should be corrected for FSE, which is considered only for tanks which are filled to <98% of the full condition. 


a) These requirements apply to ships of length ≥ 24m. carrying timber deck cargo.

b) Ship should comply with Reg. 41 to 45 of Load Line convention and the Code of safe practice for ships carrying timber deck cargoes, A.715(17).

c) Timber cargo should be loaded on deck for full length and breadth of ship.

d) Following criteria applies in lieu of intact stability criteria for all ships, and weather criteria . e) Area under the GZ curve ≥ 0.08 mR upto q = 40° or angle of flooding, whichever is less.

f) Angle of heel due to steady wind pressure from one side of the ship, as stated in the Weather Criteria, may be limited to 16°, as decided by the Flag State.

g) Maximum GZ ≥ 0.25m.

h) Excessive GM(F) should be avoided.

i) Initial GM(F) <=  3% of the breadth of the ship but ≥ 0.1m., after allowing for absorption of water by deck cargo and ice accretion on exposed surfaces. 

Angle of flooding is the angle at which openings in the ship, which cannot be closed weathertight, immerse under water.


a) These requirements apply to container ship of length > 100m.

b) These may also apply to other cargo ships which have considerable flare or waterplane areas.

c) Following criteria should apply in lieu of stability criteria for all ships :

  • Area under the GZ curve ≥ 0.009/C mR upto q = 30°.
  • Area under the GZ curve ≥ 0.016/C mR upto q = X°.
  • X° = 40° or the angle of flooding, whichever is less.
  • Angle of flooding is the angle at      which openings in the ship, which cannot be closed weathertight, immerse      under water.
  • Area under GZ curve ≥ 0.006/C mR between angle of heel 30° and X°.
  • Area under the GZ curve ≥ 0.029/C mR upto angle of flooding.
  • GZ ≥ 0.033/C m. at q ≥ 30°.
  • Maximum GZ ≥ 0.042/C m.
  • Value of ‘C’ should be calculated by using the given formula which is based on the values of the LBP, mean draft, moulded depth, moulded breadth measured at different depths, KG(F), block coefficient, water-plane area coefficient, length of each coaming, mean width and height of hatch coamings, etc.


a) Heel due to crowding of passengers on one side ≤ 10°, when calculated on the basis of the following assumptions :

  • Weight of each passenger = 75 kg.
  • C.G. of a standing passenger = 1.0m. above the deck.
  • C.G. of a sitting passenger = 0.3m. above the seat.
  • Distribution of luggage to be decided by the Flag State.
  • Passenger and luggage are in the same space.
  • 4 passengers occupy 1m2.

b) Heel due to turning ≤ 10°, when calculated by the following formula :

M = 0.196 x V2 x W x (KG – d/2) ÷ L


M:- Heeling moment   (kN m)

V:- Speed (m/s)


 d:-Mean draft

L:-Length of the  ship at the waterline


a) The ship should comply with the Code for the safe carriage of grain in bulk, MSC.23(59).

b) In addition to the information contained in the stability book, as stated above, following information shall also be provided :

  • Curves or tables of volumes, vertical distance of the centre of the volumes from the keel and volumetric heeling moments, for each compartment, filled or partly filled with bulk grain, including effects of temporary fittings to prevent shifting of grain.
  • Curves or tables of maximum permissible heeling moments for varying displacements and varying KGs.
  • Scantlings of temporary fittings.
  • Loading instructions and a worked example.
  • Typical loaded service departure and arrival conditions for three different SFs of cargo e.g. 1.25, 1.50  and 1.75.

c) The ship shall comply with the following stability criteria :

  • Initial GM(F) ≥ 0.3m.
  • Due to assumed shift of grain, angle of heel θ ≤ 12°. θ is obtained by drawing a vertical ordinate at the intersection of the righting arm (GZ) and heeling arm curves.
  • For ships built ≥ 01-01-1994, θ ≤ 12° or the angle of contraflexture, whichever is less.
  • Residual area between the righting arm and heeling arm curves ≥ 0.075 mR upto θ = X°.
  • X° = 40° or the angle of flooding or the angle of heel of maximum difference between the ordinates of the two curves, whichever is less.
  • Angle of flooding is the angle at which openings in the ship, which cannot be closed weathertight, immerse under water.
  • Heeling arm curve is obtained by joining the ends of the following vertical ordinates :

· Ordinate  λ0 = (VHM) ÷ (SF x W). It is drawn at θ = 0°.

· Ordinate λ40 = 0.8 x λ0. It is drawn at θ = 40°.

· VHM is the sum of the volumetric heeling moments of each compartment loaded with bulk grain, as determined from the stability data.

· As decided by the Flag State, the VHM of a filled compartment may be increased by 6% to allow for the vertical shift of C.G. due to assumed void spaces.

For any partly filled compartment its VHM shall be increased by 12% for the same reason as stated above.  

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