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Daily Archives: April 5, 2021

marpol annex V

Purpose of Annex V

Annex V prevention of pollution by garbage from ships (entered into force 31 December 1988) Revised annex V entered into force 1 January 2013. The purpose of Annex V of the MARPOL convention is to eliminate and reduce the amount of garbage being dumped into

parallel indexing

Parallel Indexing

Parallel indexing is an effective way of monitoring a vessels progress along a preselected track using a radar. As a vessel moves on its chosen heading, fixed objects in its radar vicinity appear to be moving in a reciprocal direction to this motion. This technique

azimuth circle

Azimuth Mirror

A compass is equipment which is used to find direction while at sea. A compass tells the direction in which the ship is going or the direction of any other object. An azimuth mirror is used in conjunction with a compass. This device enables the

doppler log

Doppler Log

The speed log is a device used to measure the speed and also the number of nautical miles the vessel has travelled through the water in a given time. Type of speed measurements This is the speed of the vessel with respect to the solid