Port State Control & Flag State Control

Port State Control

Port State control, or PSC, is the exercise of the right of a port State, when granting permission to a foreign flagged ship to enter a port of the port State, to inspect the vessel to ensure that it meets international safety, pollution and other requirements.

Although the flag State and owner of a ship have fundamental responsibility for ensuring that these requirements are implemented, supervision by the flag State is many times insufficient.

This consists of conducting inspections of various aspects of a ship once it has arrived in port, including the safety of life and property onboard the ship, prevention of pollution by the ship, and the living and working conditions onboard the ship.

PSC inspection process

A PSC inspection typically consists of a check of the documents and certificates onboard ship combined with a condition survey of the vessel.

However, a more detailed survey is carried out if there are “clear grounds” for such, as when deficiencies are found in the ship’s compliance with mandatory international requirements, or; there is some question as to the safety condition of the vessel.

If serious deficiencies are found affecting safety as a result of the inspection, the ship is detained and the captain is instructed to rectify the deficiencies before departure.

In the event that the deficiencies are not rectified or no suitable plan is presented for rectifying them, the ship will be prohibited from leaving the port.

Flag State Control

Maritime administration of the country under whose the vessel flying its flag. Their purpose is to ensure the safety at sea with regards to construction, maintenance, seaworthiness, manning, labor condition,

Crew training, Prevention of collision and to ensure the ship is appropriately surveyed as to condition, equipment & manning. They are empowered to inspect the. They can verify the competency of the officer & crew.

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