Ballast Water Record Book


Following the entry into force of the BWM Convention on 8 September 2017, all ocean-going vessels are required to record each ballast operations in a BWRB.

Appendix II of the BWM Convention (Form of ballast Water Record Book) specifies the type of ballast operations that should be recorded, as a minimum, in the BWRB.

Ballast water record book

The minimum ballast operation, that are required to be recorded in the ballast water record book have been listed in the Appendix II of the BWM Convention (Form of ballast Water Record Book).

The ambiguity surrounding the subject has led members of the INTERTANKO to believe that there is a lack of adequate established guidelines record the ballast entries in the record book.

Requirements of the BWM Convention pertaining to the Ballast Water Record Book

Regulation B-2 specifies the requirements of the BWRB for each ship Key requirements that must be observed are:

1. Each ship shall have on board a BWRB. It could be an electronic record system, or it could be integrated into another record book or system, and which shall at least contain the information specified in Appendix II of the BWM Convention.

2. Each operation concerning Ballast Water shall be fully recorded without delay in the BWRB. Each entry shall be signed by the Officer in Charge of the operation concerned and each completed page shall be signed by the Master.

3. In the event of the discharge of Ballast Water pursuant to regulations A-3, A-4 or B-3 .6, or in the event of  other  accidental  or  exceptional  discharge  of  Ballast  Water  not  otherwise  exempted  by  the  BWM Convention, an entry shall be made in the BWRB describing the circumstances of, and the reason for, the discharge.

4. The BWRB shall be kept readily available for inspection at all reasonable times. It shall be maintained on board the ship for a minimum period of two (2) years after the last entry has been made and, thereafter, in the Company’s control for a minimum period of three (3) years.

5. Port State Control Officers may inspect the BWRB on board any ship to which the BWM Convention applies while the ship is in its port or offshore terminal, and may make a copy of any entry, and require the Master to certify that the copy is a true copy. Any copy so certified shall be admissible in any Judicial proceeding as evidence of the facts stated in the entry. The inspection of a BWRB and the taking of a certified copy shall be performed as expeditiously as possible without causing the ship to be unduly delayed.

Information to be included in the Ballast Water Record Book

In making entries to the BWRB, the Officer in Charge of the operations should ensure that, as a minimum, the information specified in Appendix II of the BWM Convention is provided. While the BWRB does not strictly follow a coding system as per the Oil Record Book for MARPOL Annex I, for ease of reference the numbering in paragraph 3 of Appendix II of the Annex to the BWM Convention is used

Sample entries with guidance notes for Ballast Water Record Book

Entries to be recorded in the BWRB shall be made in accordance with “Item Numbers & ‘List of Items to be recorded’ as given in the first few pages of BWRB

Please refer to relevant notes/remarks mentioned at the bottom of sample entries for an operation.

Entries in the Ballast Water Record Book

3.1 When Ballast Water is taken on board:

.1 Date, time and location port or facility of uptake (port or lat/ long), depth if outside port

.2 Estimated volume of uptake in cubic metres

.3 Signature of the officer in charge of the operation

3.2 Whenever Ballast Water is circulated or treated for Ballast Water Management purposes:

.1 Date and time of operation

.2 Estimated volume circulated or treated (in cubic metres)

.3 Whether conducted in accordance with the Ballast Water Management plan

.4 Signature of the officer in charge of the operation

3.3 When Ballast Water is discharged into the sea:

.1 Date, time and location port or facility of discharge (port or lat/ long)

.2 Estimated volume discharged in cubic metres plus remaining volume in cubic metres

.3 Whether approved Ballast Water Management plan has been implemented prior to discharge

.4 Signature of the officer in charge of the operation

3.4 When Ballast Water is discharged to a reception facility:

.1 Date, time and location of uptake

.2 Date, time and location of discharge

.3 Port or facility

.4 Estimated volume discharged or taken up, in cubic metres

.5 Whether approved Ballast Water Management plan has been implemented prior to discharge

.6 Signature of officer in charge of the operation

3.5 Accidental or other exceptional uptake or discharges of Ballast Water:

.1 Date and time of occurrence

.2 port or position of the ship at time of occurrence

.3 Estimated volume of Ballast Water discharged

.4 Circumstances of uptake, discharge, escape or loss, the reason therefore and general remarks

.5 Whether approved Ballast Water Management plan has been implemented prior to Discharge

3.6 Additional operational procedure and general remarks

Note: The entries are required for the exact time and position of the start and stop times of ballast water operations for each tank.

Volume of Ballast Water

The volume of Ballast Water onboard should be estimated in cubic metres. The Ballast Water record book contains many references to estimated volume of Ballast Water. It is recognized that the accuracy of estimating volumes of ballast is left to interpretation.

3.1 When Ballast Water is taken on board (At Port) without Treatment (BWTS):

24-JUN- 20233.1.123-Jun-2023,  1000 Hrs to 23-Jun-2023, 2220 Hrs / Raslaffan LPB 22
 3.1.2Total  Ballast  taken: 16636 m3
  1P:  1233 m3; Final Qty in 1P:  1235 m3
  1S:  1245 m3; Final Qty in 1S:  1248 m3
  2P:  1996 m3; Final Qty in 2P:  1999 m3
  2S:  1987 m3; Final Qty in 2S:  1990 m3
  3P:  1756 m3; Final Qty in 3P:  1759 m3
  3S:  1734 m3; Final Qty in 3S:  1736 m3
  4S:  1014 m3; Final Qty in 4P:  1020 m3
  4S:  1025 m3; Final Qty in 4S:  1027 m3
  5P:  1124 m3; Final Qty in 5P:  1126 m3
  5S:  1154 m3; Final Qty in 5S:  1160 m3
  6P:  1134 m3; Final Qty in 6P:  1138 m3
  6S  1134 m3; Final Qty in 6S:  1138 m3
 3.1.3Name of Chief Officer & Sign /date

For every ballasting operation without the ballast water treatment system, only one entry under 3.1 has to be made. The amount of ballast taken in each tank shall be mentioned, followed with the final quantity in the tank.

If bypassing the BWMS (ports with challenging water quality or in-operational BWMS) item 3.6 entry needs to be made explaining why BWMS was bypassed, with notifications to Flag and Coastal States.

3.1 When Ballast Water is taken on board (at sea or outside port limits) without Treatment (BWTS):

24-JUN- 20233.1.124-JUN- 2023,  1000 Hrs to 24-JUN- 2023, 2220 Hrs / In  Posn: 13  14.5 N;  078 25.3 E @ Depths  > 2000 Mtrs
 3.1.2Total  Ballast  taken:  2478 m3
  1P:  1233 m3; Final Qty in 1P:  1248 m3
  1S:  1245 m3; Final Qty in 1S:  1248 m3
 3.1.3Name of Chief Officer & Sign /date

The amount of ballast taken in each tank shall be mentioned, followed with the final quantity in the tank.

When taking in ballast at sea or outside port limits, the position of the location (Lat/Long) and Depth in meters where the ballast water was taken up (end of the operation) shall be mentioned

3.1 When Ballast Water is taken on board (Ballast being taken in multiple times at sea, to adjust list) without Treatment (BWTS):

24-JUN- 20233.1.124-JUN- 2023, 1030 Hrs / In  Posn:13  14.5 N;  078 25.3 E @ Depths  > 2000 Mtrs
 3.1.2Total  Ballast  taken: 112 m3
  1P:  112 m3, Final Qty in 1P:  786 m3
 3.1.3Name of Chief Officer & Sign /date
24-JUN- 20233.1.124-JUN- 2023, 1100 Hrs / In  Posn: 13  14.5 N;  078 25.3 E @ Depths  > 2000 Mtrs
 3.1.2Total  Ballast  taken: 50  m3
  1S:  50  m3, Final Qty in 1S:  1110 m3
 3.1.3Name of Chief Officer & Sign /date
24-JUN- 20233.1.124-JUN- 2023, 0900 Hrs / In  Posn: 13 14.5 N;  078 25.3 E @ Depths  > 2000 Mtrs
 3.1.2Total  Ballast  taken: 30  m3
  1P:  30  m3, Final Qty in 1P:  816 m3
 3.1.3Name of Chief Officer & Sign /date

For multiple small ballasting operations over a period of time, One entry for each ballast operation is recommended. The amount of ballast taken in each tank shall be mentioned, followed with the final quantity in the tank.

3.1 When Ballast Water is taken on board (At Port) with Treatment (BWTS):

24-JUN- 20233.1.123-Jun-2023,  1000 Hrs to 23-Jun-2023, 2220 Hrs / Raslaffan LPB 22
 3.1.2Total  Ballast  taken: 16636 m3
  1P:  1233 m3; Final Qty in 1P:  1235 m3
  1S:  1245 m3; Final Qty in 1S:  1248 m3
  2P:  1996 m3; Final Qty in 2P:  1999 m3
  2S:  1987 m3; Final Qty in 2S:  1990 m3
  3P:  1756 m3; Final Qty in 3P:  1759 m3
  3S:  1734 m3; Final Qty in 3S:  1736 m3
  4S:  1014 m3; Final Qty in 4P:  1020 m3
  4S:  1025 m3; Final Qty in 4S:  1027 m3
  5P:  1124 m3; Final Qty in 5P:  1126 m3
  5S:  1154 m3; Final Qty in 5S:  1160 m3
  6P:  1134 m3; Final Qty in 6P:  1138 m3
  6S  1134 m3; Final Qty in 6S:  1138 m3
 3.1.3Name of Chief Officer & Sign /date
24-JUN- 2023  3.2.1  23-Jun-2023,  1000 Hrs to 23-Jun-2023, 2220 Hrs / Raslaffan LPB 22
 3.2.2Total  Ballast  treated: 16636 m3, Final Quantity 16674 m3
 3.2.3Yes,  Ballast  water taken in through the BWTS
 3.2.4Name of Chief Officer & Sign /date

For every ballasting operation, through the treatment plant, an entry under 3.1 has to be made for the full quantity of ballast water taken in, followed with another entry under 3.2, which established the ballast taken in each tank.

The amount of ballast taken in each tank shall be mentioned, followed with the final quantity in the tank.

3.1 When Ballast Water is taken on board (at sea or outside port limits) with Treatment (BWTS):

24-JUN- 20233.1.124-JUN- 2023,  1000 Hrs to 24-JUN- 2023, 1600 Hrs / In  Posn: 13 14.5 N;  078 25.3 E @ Depths  > 2000 Mtrs
 3.1.2Total  Ballast  taken:  2478 m3
  1P:  1233 m3; Final Qty in 1P:  1248 m3
  1S:  1245 m3; Final Qty in 1S:  1248 m3
 3.1.3Name of Chief Officer & Sign /date
24-JUN- 20233.2.124-JUN- 2023 1000 Hrs
 3.2.2Total  Ballast  treated: 2478 m3, Final Quantity 2496 m3
 3.2.3Yes,  Ballast  water taken in through the BWTS
 3.2.4Name of Chief Officer & Sign /date

1. The amount of ballast taken in each tank shall be mentioned, followed with the final quantity in the tank.

2. Even if a single tank is ballasted, an entry under 3.1.2 shall be made for the “Total Volume” and then tank break up. When taking in ballast at sea or outside port limits, the position of the location (Lat/Long) and Depth in meters, where the ballast water was taken up (end of the operation) shall be mentioned.

3.3 When De-Ballasting Water without Treatment (BWTS):

24-JUN- 20233.6All WBT  sighted through Sampling point, No  Oil  traces observed
  Name of Chief Officer & Sign /date
24-JUN- 2023  3.3.124-JUN- 2023, 1030 Hrs to  24-JUN- 2023, 2145 Hrs / Santos Alamoe
 3.3.217368 m3 / 52  m3
  FPT:  Discharged  780 m3 / Remaining  4  m3
  1P:  Discharged  1230 m3 / Remaining  3  m3
  1S:  Discharged  1240 m3 / Remaining  5  m3
  2P:  Discharged  1990 m3 / Remaining  6  m3
  2S:  Discharged  1980 m3 / Remaining  7  m3
  3P:  Discharged  1750 m3 / Remaining  6  m3
  3S:  Discharged  1728 m3 / Remaining  6  m3
  4P:  Discharged  1008 m3 / Remaining  6  m3
  4S:  Discharged  1020 m3 / Remaining  5  m3
  5P:  Discharged  1124 m3 / Remaining  0  m3
  5S:  Discharged  1154 m3 / Remaining  0  m3
  6P:  Discharged  1234 m3 / Remaining  0  m3
  6S:  Discharged  1130 m3 / Remaining  4  m3
 3.3.3Yes,  Ballast  water exchanged on 22-JUN- 2023  as per BWMP
 3.3.4Name of Chief Officer & Sign /date

3.3 When De-Ballasting Water with Treatment (BWTS):

24-JUN- 20233.6All WBT  sighted through Sampling point, No  Oil  traces observed
  Name of Chief Officer & Sign /date
24-JUN- 2023  3.3.124-JUN- 2023, 1030 Hrs to  24-JUN- 2023, 2145 Hrs / Chiba
 3.3.217368 m3 / 52  m3
  FPT:  Discharged  780 m3 / Remaining  4  m3
  1P:  Discharged  1230 m3 / Remaining  3  m3
  1S:  Discharged  1240 m3 / Remaining  5  m3
  2P:  Discharged  1990 m3 / Remaining  6  m3
  2S:  Discharged  1980 m3 / Remaining  7  m3
  3P:  Discharged  1750 m3 / Remaining  6  m3
  3S:  Discharged  1728 m3 / Remaining  6  m3
  4P:  Discharged  1008 m3 / Remaining  6  m3
  4S:  Discharged  1020 m3 / Remaining  5  m3
  5P:  Discharged  1124 m3 / Remaining  0  m3
  5S:  Discharged  1154 m3 / Remaining  0  m3
  6P:  Discharged  1234 m3 / Remaining  0  m3
  6S:  Discharged  1130 m3 / Remaining  4  m3
 3.3.3Yes,  Ballast  water exchanged on 22-JUN- 2023  as per BWMP
 3.3.4Name of Chief Officer & Sign /date
24-JUN- 2023  3.2.1  23-JUN- 2023, 1030 Hrs to  23-JUN- 2023, 2145 Hrs
 3.2.2Total  Ballast  treated: 17368 m3
 3.2.3Yes,  Ballast  water discharged through the BWTS
 3.2.4Name of Chief Officer & Sign /date

For every de-ballasting operation, through the treatment plant, a general entry in 3.3 has to be made followed with another entry under 3.2.

Even if a single tank is discharged, entry 3.3.2 shall show total volume and then break-up / distribution of the tanks from which ballast was discharge and the quantity of ballast water retained in each tank.

3.2 When Ballast Water is Exchanged (Flow Through Method-300%) without Treatment (BWTS):

23-JUN- 20233.2.1  23-JUN- 2023, 0910 hrs to 23-JUN- 2023, 2330 hrs.
 3.2.216636 m3
  1P:  1233 m3; Final Qty in 1P:  1235 m3
  1S:  1245 m3; Final Qty in 1S:  1248 m3
  2P:  1996 m3; Final Qty in 2P:  1999 m3
  2S:  1987 m3; Final Qty in 2S:  1990 m3
  3P:  1756 m3; Final Qty in 3P:  1759 m3
  3S:  1734 m3; Final Qty in 3S:  1736 m3
  4S:  1014 m3; Final Qty in 4P:  1020 m3
  4S:  1025 m3; Final Qty in 4S:  1027 m3
  5P:  1124 m3; Final Qty in 5P:  1126 m3
  5S:  1154 m3; Final Qty in 5S:  1160 m3
  6P:  1134 m3; Final Qty in 6P:  1138 m3
  6S  1134 m3; Final Qty in 6S:  1138 m3
 3.2.3300% Exchange as per BWMP / Depth  > 2300 Mtrs  using 1 Ballast  Pump (500 m3/hr.)
 3.2.4Name of Chief Officer & Sign /date

The amount of ballast taken in each tank shall be mentioned, followed with the final quantity in the tank

3.2 When Ballast Water is Exchanged (Sequential Exchange) without Treatment (BWTS):

24-JUN- 2023  3.3.124-JUN- 2023, 0910 to 1030, / 12  23.4N; 121 34.5 W    / Depth 1300 Mtrs
 3.3.2Qty  Deballasted:  2367 m3 / Remaining  on Board  0 m3
  1P  Discharge: 1233 m3 / Onboard: 2 m3
  6s Discharge: 1134 m3 / Onboard: 2 m3
 3.3.3Ballast  exchange in Progress as per BWMP
 3.3.4Name of Chief Officer & Sign /date
24-JUN- 2023  3.1.124-JUN- 2023, 1040 to 1255, / 12  54.4N; 121 55.5 W  / Depth 1300 Mtrs
 3.1.2Total  Ballast Taken  in 2367 m3
  1P:  1238 m3; Final Qty in 1P:  1240 m3
  6S:  1134 m3; Final Qty in 6S:  1136 m3
 3.1.3Name of Chief Officer & Sign /date
11-Mar- 2020  3.3.124-JUN- 2023, 1330 to 1530, / 13  23.4N; 101 34.5 W  / Depth 1410 Mtrs
 3.3.2Qty  Deballasted:  2379 m3 / Remaining  on Board  0 m3
  1S  Discharge: 1245 m3 / Onboard: 3 m3
  6P  Discharge: 1134 m3 / Onboard: 2 m3
 3.3.3Ballast  exchange in Progress as per BWMP
 3.3.4Name of Chief Officer & Sign /date
24-JUN- 2023  3.1.124-JUN- 2023, 1540 to 1755, / 13  34.4N; 102 10.5 W  / Depth 1300 Mtrs
 3.1.2Total Ballast Taken in 2367 m3
  1S:  1245 m3: Final Qty in 1S:  1248 m3
  6P:  1134 m3; Final Qty in 6P:  1137 m3
 3.1.3Name of Chief Officer & Sign /date

Record the deballasting operation followed by the then the ballasting operation of each sequence, as required by the sequential method suggested in the BWTP.

3.4 When Ballast Water landed ashore:

24-JUN- 20233.4.124-JUN- 2023,  1300 Hrs to  17 Mar 20, 2220 Hrs  / Raslaffan LPB22
 3.4.4Total  Ballast  discharged to shore:
  FPT:  Discharged  780 m3 / Remaining  4 m3
  1P: Discharged  1230 m3 / Remaining   3 m3
  1S:  Discharged  1240 m3 / Remaining    5  m3
  2P: Discharged  1990 m3 / Remaining  6 m3
  2S:  Discharged  1980 m3 / Remaining  7  m3
  3P: Discharged  1750 m3 / Remaining  6 m3
  3S:  Discharged  1728 m3 / Remaining  6  m3
  4P: Discharged  1008 m3 / Remaining  6 m3
  4S:  Discharged  1020 m3 / Remaining  5  m3
  5P: Discharged  1124 m3 / Remaining  0 m3
  5S:  Discharged  1154 m3 / Remaining  0  m3
  6P: Discharged  1234 m3 / Remaining  0 m3
  6S:  Discharged  1130 m3 / Remaining  4  m3
 3.4.6Name of Chief Officer & Sign /date

Shore disposal receipts to be obtained and attached

Failure of BWTS System: Vessel with BWTS, Ballasting without Treatment (BWTS)

24-JUN- 20233.60900, 24-JUN- 2023, BWTS is not  operational due to a faulty stage  2 sensor
  Flag State  notified, received Dispensation,  Local Port State  Informed,  consent  on emergency operation taken for ballasting
  Name of Chief Officer & Sign /date
24-JUN- 20233.1.124-JUN- 2023,  1000 Hrs to  24-JUN- 2023, 2220 Hrs  / Raslaffan LPB22
 3.1.2Total Ballast taken: 16636 m3 (In  by Pass Mode)
  1P:  1233 m3; Final Qty in 1P:  1235 m3
  1S:  1245 m3; Final Qty in 1S:  1248 m3
  2P:  1996 m3; Final Qty in 2P:  1999 m3
  2S:  1987 m3; Final Qty in 2S:  1990 m3
  3P:  1756 m3; Final Qty in 3P:  1759 m3
  3S:  1734 m3; Final Qty in 3S:  1736 m3
  4S:  1014 m3; Final Qty in 4P:  1020 m3
  4S:  1025 m3; Final Qty in 4S:  1027 m3
  5P:  1124 m3; Final Qty in 5P:  1126 m3
  5S:  1154 m3; Final Qty in 5S:  1160 m3
  6P:  1134 m3; Final Qty in 6P:  1138 m3
  6S  1134 m3; Final Qty in 6S:  1138 m3
 3.1.3Name of Chief Officer & Sign /date

In the event of failure of the Ballast Water Treatment System, the Flag needs to be immediately notified and dispensation needs to be taken from them.

Any further intake of ballast water, if allowed, shall be after the consent of the relevant authority of the Port State.

Evidence of the permission received shall be attached with the record book.

Failure of BWTS System: Vessel with BWTS, De-Ballasting without Treatment (BWTS)

24-JUN- 2023  3.60900, 24-JUN- 2023, BWTS is not  operational due to failure of Neutralizer
  Flag State  notified, received Dispensation,  Local Port State  Informed,  consent  on emergency operation taken for De-ballasting
  Name of Chief Officer & Sign /date
25-JUN- 2023  3.3.1  25-JUN- 2023, 1045 Hrs / 22  14.6N; 121 30.2W
 3.3.21P: Discharged  1230 m3 / Remaining  3 m3
  1S:  Discharge  1241 m3 / Remaining  4  m3
   3.3.3Ballast  water was taken  and discharged without  the BWTS
 3.3.4Name of Chief Officer & Sign /date

In the event of failure of the Ballast Water Treatment System, the Flag needs to be immediately notified and dispensation needs to be taken from them.

Any further discharge of ballast water, if allowed, shall be after the consent of the relevant authority of the Port State.

Evidence of the permission received shall be attached with the record book.

Failure of BWTS System: Vessel with BWTS, Ballasting with Treatment & De- Ballasting without Treatment (BWTS)

24-JUN- 2023  3.1.1 24-JUN- 2023, 1300 to 1520 Hrs / 22  36.6N; 121 30.2W
 3.1.2Total Ballast taken: 2471m3
  1P:  1230 m3; Final Qty:   1236 m3
  1S:  1241 m3; Final Qty: 1245 m3
 3.1.3Name of Chief Officer & Sign /date
24-JUN- 2023  3.2.1 24-JUN- 2023  1300 hrs to 1520 hrs
 3.2.2Total Ballast treated: 2471 m3
 3.2.3Yes,  Ballast  water taken  in through  the BWTP
 3.2.4Name of Chief Officer & Sign /date
24-JUN- 2023  3.60900, 24-JUN- 2023, BWTS is not  operational  due to failure of Neutralizer
  Flag State  notified, received Dispensation,  Local Port State  Informed,  consent  on emergency operation taken for de-ballasting
  Name of Chief Officer & Sign /date
28-JUN- 2023  3.3.1  28-JUN- 2023, 1525 Hrs / 22  45.6N; 121 36.2W
 3.3.21P: Discharged  1227 m3 / Remaining  9 m3
  1S:  Discharge  1238 m3 / Remaining  7  m3
   3.3.3Ballast  water was taken  via BWTS and discharged without  the  BWTS
   3.3.4Name of Chief Officer & Sign /date

In the event of failure of the Ballast Water Treatment System, the Flag needs to be immediately notified and dispensation needs to be taken from them.

Any further discharge of ballast water, if allowed, shall be after the consent of the relevant authority of the Port State.

Evidence of the permission received shall be attached with the record book.

3.6 Additional Operational Entries

08-JUN- 20233.6Ballast water sample analysis carried out by Al Jubail industrial Marine
Name of Chief Officer & Sign /date
10-JUN- 20233.6BWTS not operational due to faulty stage 2 sensor
Flag State notified, received Dispensation, Local Port State Informed, consent on emergency operation taken for ballasting
Name of Chief Officer & Sign /date
11-JUN- 20233.6Stage 2 sensor replaced, BWTS operational
System check verified by Marine service at Al Jubail, Flag informed for closure
Name of Chief Officer & Sign /date
12-JUN- 20233.620 ltr Neutralizer renewed
Name of Chief Officer & Sign /date
13-JUN- 20233.6TRO unit, serial no: 12345 calibrated by the shore,certificate no 787846465
Name of Chief Officer & Sign /date
18-JUN- 20233.612 m3 of Sediment removed from 1P and disposed
To sea from 16th Mar 2020, 1200, in position 22 36.6N; 121 30.2W to 16th Mar 2020, 1600, in position 22 40. 9N; 121 39.8W
Name of Chief Officer & Sign /date
18-JUN- 20233.62P flushed with sea water and 09 m3 discharged from 18th Jun 2023 1200, in position 22 36.6N; 121 30.2W to 18th Jun 2023, to 1600, in position 22 40. 9N; 121 39.8W
Name of Chief Officer & Sign /date

Below mentioned subjects, but not limited to, can be included in 3.6 in the ballast water record book:

Any Maintenance on the BWTP, including sampling of ballast water, replacement of sensors, shore calibration etc. Renewal of neutralizer, Manual demucking of sediments and flushing of sediments using sea water.

3.6 Additional Operational Entries: Inability to carry out ballast water exchange

(Applicable for vessels with D1 or D1 & D2 endorsed on the Ballast Water Management Certificate)

18-JUN- 2023      3.6Vessel was unable to carry out ballast water exchange due to less depth of water during passage from Yeosu (South Korea) to Quindao (China). Flag State  & local port state informed of the same. One-time  exemption was granted for the same, email attached.
  Name of Chief Officer & Sign /date

3.6 Additional Operational Entries: Missed Operational Entry

(DATE1 )
  3.60900, 18-JUN-2023, BWTS is not  operational due to failure of Neutralizer
(DATE 2)
3.1.119-JUN-2023,  1300 Hrs to 04  Mar 2020, 2220 Hrs / In  Posn:  
24  34.5 N;  121 45.6 E @ Depths  > 2000 Mtrs 
3.1.2Total Ballast taken: 2478 m3
1P:  1233 m3; Final Qty in 1P:  1248 m3
1S:  1245 m3; Final Qty in 1S:  1248 m3
3.1.3Name of Chief Officer & Sign /date

Date 1: to be the date of making the entry

Date 2: to be the date of operation when recording of entry was missed out

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