Masters Responsibility And Authority Under STCW Code
MASTERS RESPONSIBILITY AND AUTHORITY under STCW CODE 1. Ensure trainings are conducted as per the requirements. 2. Arrangement of watches.…
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MASTERS RESPONSIBILITY AND AUTHORITY under STCW CODE 1. Ensure trainings are conducted as per the requirements. 2. Arrangement of watches.…
BASIC PRINCIPLES a) Legal dispute is an inherent risk in shipping business. b) Availability of evidence is essential in settling…
‘Equasis’ and what are its main principles Equasis is a database holding safety-related details of more than 66.000 ships ,…
Theory 1. During dry docking the ship shall be in as light a condition as possible. 2. It shall be…
FREE RADIO-MEDICAL ASSISTANCE C.I.R.M. is the oldest existing organisation providing radio-medical assistance in the world, having been founded in 1935…
What is Bilging Bilging is said to occur when ingress of water takes place into the vessel from a point…
Stopped In this situation no forces are involved and the ship has its centre of gravity approximately amidships when the…
In order to negotiate a plan turn, a constant radius turn concept can be used. Theory and procedures of using…
The master can deliver the cargo to the holder of a ‘bearer’ bill of lading . If a bill of…
DECLARATION OF SECURITY • Contracting Governments shall determine when a Declaration of Security is required by assessing the risk the…