
‘Equasis’ and what are its main principles

Equasis is a database holding safety-related details of more than 66.000 ships , including a record of port state control inspections. It is on Internet and may be viewed by any member of the public.

The main principles behind the Equasis information system are that:

• it be a tool aiming at reducing substandard ships, limited to safety related information on ships;

• it has no commercial purpose and basically addresses public concern;

• it aims to be an international database covering the whole world fleet;

• it has active and constructive co-operation with the world maritime industry;

• it is a tool for better selection of ships and has no legal pressure to it, being done on a voluntary basis;

• it will promote the exchange of unbiased information, transparency in maritime transport and allow persons involved in maritime transport to be better informed about the performance of ships and maritime organisations with which they are dealing. 

The EU launched Equasis in 1997 to form apart of the Quality Shipping campaign. It is formally supported by signatories of marine Administrations, classification societies, P & I clubs and the ITF.

Website: www.equasis.org.

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